This blog is now rarely updated, but remains as an archive of bits and pieces I've collected from around the internet. To see what's caught my eye more recently, find me on twitter.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

#121; type, self-monitoring, WWF & BBC

First up, a great, seemingly endless, collection of typographic beauty. Really nice.


Next up a feltron-esque bout of self-recording and lovely design from Ben Willers. Monitoring all your activities and creating huge data sets about your actions is a surprising thing to be catching on, but very interesting. I'm not sure I'd have the discipline and patience to record meticulously enough, though. This is very nice though:
What would our lives look like if every tiny, seemingly insignificant detail were to be visualised?
Every calorie, every step? Every minute and every penny?


For those that way inclined, a review of the BBC's science coverage has been published. Quite interesting, though perhaps the more digestible approach would be to read the Guardian's comment piece on it. As ever, the comments at the bottom are as interesting as the article itself.


And lastly, a very nice short advert from the WWF:

The world is where we live from WWF on Vimeo.

via curiosity counts

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