This blog is now rarely updated, but remains as an archive of bits and pieces I've collected from around the internet. To see what's caught my eye more recently, find me on twitter.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


It's been a while. Feast on this bunch o' goodies.

Inside the creative process of a medical illustrator - wicked awesome:



Sticking with the illustration theme, check out Thomas Sullivan's food chain illustrations:


I really like the sentiment behind this rant/essay from Stephen Fry. A love of language is not the same as inane pendantry.


I think there was other good stuff to share, but it's now lost in my readers and read-laters. Just a quick reminder to finish. Check out BPoD - Biomedical picture of the day (which is one of the projects I'm working on at the moment, in my current job). Showcasing the beautiful side of biomedical research.