This blog is now rarely updated, but remains as an archive of bits and pieces I've collected from around the internet. To see what's caught my eye more recently, find me on twitter.

Saturday 12 February 2011

#99; Music, data, film

This is a really nice video, for a really nice song, from a really nice album:

Happy Camper - Born With A Bothered Mind (featuring Bouke Zoete) from Job, Joris & Marieke on Vimeo.

The latest Feltron Report is out and is, as always, lovely. This one looks at the whole life of his late father, so takes on a slightly different meaning.
Also, this talk he gave about his previous projects is quite itneresting:

Nazi Graphics - really interesting:

Via FlowingData, two cool visualised interactive data thingys:

European energy consumption. Click on the image and have a play

and watch the world get fat - alarming (click the image again):

aaaaand lastly, this little video is mesmerising:
Kurz und Schön opener from errorone on Vimeo.

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